2022 Calendar Dues Coming November 1!

Posted By: Michael Fazio News,

Hello Valued GIAA Member,

In 2021 we created ways to do business better, for you and us. These ways will allow us to build upon our foundation and help facilitate future growth.

With GIAA's territory expansion to a statewide association, we now serve the entire state of Iowa and there are so many benefits which come with our expansion. Plus, there is always strength in numbers … especially legislatively.

The Greater Iowa Apartment Association is pleased to announce a new, more streamlined billing structure for our members. GIAA has moved to a calendar year membership cycle, where all members will pay their dues in January and enjoy membership benefits through December each year. The goal is to shift our entire membership to this more efficient billing cycle in 2022. As such, we began the process in 2021. Handling membership in this manner is in line with many other Apartment Associations across the country and is designed to minimize confusion on expiration dates and make the budgeting process easier for you and your company / community.

Our goal in 2021 was to make the transition as easy as possible.

In 2021, if your invoice fell between February and December you received a PRORATED dues invoice for 2021. It WAS NOT the same amount you paid in 2020. November 1, 2021 you will receive an invoice for 2022, which will be your “normal” annual dues. There have not been any dues increases in 2022. If you have 2021 dues still to be paid go to your Member Compass (https://www.thegiaa.com/member-compass) and log in to view and pay your past due balance. This process will put us on track to begin annual billing for the association, as a whole, in 2022.

Please review your Member Compass now and update your communities here https://www.thegiaa.com/member-compass to verify your being invoiced correctly.

Thank you for your cooperation as we make these changes! You are what makes the GIAA the premier multi-family housing association in the state of Iowa. Let’s keep growing and looking forward to 2022. Here’s to an amazing 2022 and beyond!

If you have questions, email Christy Steva at ae@thegiaa.com.

The percentage of NAA dues that will be non-deductible for income tax purposes in 2021 is 10%. Property Management Companies, $0.47 per unit of your dues go to NAA. Suppliers, $30.00 of your dues go to NAA.

The Housing Affordability Dues Assessment of $.05/unit will begin on January 1, 2022. The $.05/unit assessment is scheduled to sunset in five years unless there is further action by the NAA Board. The standard dues will increase from $.49/unit to $.50/unit beginning on January 1, 2022. Please see the below schedule of dues increases through 2027.

This percentage is calculated using the total amount of dues NAA receives from members and the total amount that is
expended on lobbying. The amount that NAA expends on lobbying includes the contribution to the National Multi Housing Council (NMHC), and how that money is expended by NMHC.