Your Help is Immediately Needed!

Posted By: Michael Fazio GIAA Resources, NAA's Resource Page, News,

As described in earlier communications, NAA filed a lawsuit in the US Court of Federal Claims on behalf of apartment owners seeking to recover billions of dollars in lost rental damages from federal eviction moratorium. This is a request that you publicize this effort to both your owner and manager members. We expect a decision from the Court this year. Only those companies that join the lawsuit before that ruling will be covered. We are looking for thousands of plaintiff companies to join in the coming weeks. It is the most public housing advocacy effort in rental housing.

TO THE OWNERS: If you have lost rent because of the eviction moratorium, this is the only lawsuit where the plaintiffs are seeking money damages. Please visit to learn about the case.

TO THE PROPERTY MANAGERS: Please alert your client/owners that they can join the case and provide them with the same link:

The owners can make their own decisions whether to join or not but, if nothing else, you will demonstrate your concern for their interests and the good stewardship in your role as managers.

NAA is collecting information from all the companies that choose to participate in the lawsuit regardless of whether they are NAA members or not.