Our Industry Needs Your Help!

Posted By: Michael Fazio News,

While the National Apartment Association (NAA) is currently pushing hard to end the CDC Eviction Moratorium, we are also advocating on several bills that will address housing affordability, increase housing supply and position the industry for life after COVID. We need you to make your voice heard by taking action on these campaigns today:


Section 8 HCV Reform Alert - Supporting this bill prevents a national Source of Income standard!

Housing Affordability Alert– Helping increase the supply and development of new housing is how we can stop more localities from enacting rent control!

Build More Housing Near Transit Alert - Urge your member of Congress to support this important part of infrastructure legislation!


All of these bills will help lay the groundwork for the recovery and expansion of the rental housing industry. With your help, we can ensure that Congress passes these pieces of legislation and that they become law.


Please take a minute and act now to make sure Congress hears the apartment industry's collective voice on these important issues.


NAA thanks you for your support of our industry!



Greg Brown

NAA Senior VP of Government Affairs