CDC Issues Another New Eviction Order

Posted By: Michael Fazio GIAA Resources, News,

Dear GIAA and NAA Members, 

At the direction of the President, the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today announced a new, limited federal eviction moratorium through October 3. It is important to note that key elements of the previous order remain, but it is limited to counties with elevated, community transmission rates of COVID-19. NAA is analyzing the latest order and will be back soon with updated compliance resources, but, as always, please consult trusted local counsel. 

Congress’ inability to pass eviction moratorium legislation last week likely contributed to the Administration’s actions. Your grassroots outreach on this matter resulted in close to 1,200 Congressional contacts in just a few hours, which were extremely helpful in thwarting a Congressional extension of the CDC moratorium. Though this move is a setback, the CDC order may be challenged through the courts. And, given the shaky legal ground, we fully expect Congress to revisit a longer extension when they return in September. Be prepared to mobilize again if and when that happens. 

NAA will continue to aggressively advocate against eviction moratoriums and continue calls for fully funding and swiftly delivering rental assistance.  Your voice will be heard on Capitol Hill, within the administration and in the media. NAA has spoken with multiple national news outlets – including The New York Times, CBS and The Wall Street Journal – and remains in contact with key policy makers and agencies daily.  

In the meantime, be sure to review our legal action against the federal government, seeking roughly $26 billion in damages for rental housing providers caused by the CDC’s unlawful order. Your support is encouraged.  

Stay safe and well, 
Robert Pinnegar, CAE
President and CEO
National Apartment Association